Monday, January 10, 2011

If it's too good to be true....

I bought "Brownie" after watching a seller at Sulit mark-down his price within a span of 3 weeks. Seller advertised him as 'purebreed' Peruvian. I thought he was a good deal already, so I made the reservation even without seeing him first. I did not like his color when I saw him. But since I already made a downpayment, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt...

After several months, I noticed his hair was not growing at the rate my other Peruvians were. I consulted breeders through a forum and was told he is most likely not purebreed.

UPDATE (May 10, 2011):

I am now convinced he is an Abyruvian (Abysinnian x Peruvian). His hair is coarse, unlike Peruvians. It is thick and has a lot of rossettes. The sides seem to be growing longer but the hair in front still has not changed since the day I bought him.

I have learned my lesson. I will still continue to look for a good deal on cavies, but I will be wary of those selling at a very low price. If it's too good to be true, chances are... it's not true.

UPDATE (July 30, 2011):

Sold Brownie.