Guinea Pig Diet

Guinea pigs' main diet consists of fresh grass or hay. Since hay is not readily available and quite expensive to purchase in our country, we rely more on grass. Types of grass that they can eat are as follows:

Napier grass (grass being fed to farm animals)


Para grass

Carabao grass

Some people say we can also feed them Bermuda grass (ornamental grass for landscaping).

For us who live in the city, grass can be scarse. So if grass is not available, we substitute with fresh Banana leaves.

Cavies should also be given fresh vegetables as treats. Personally, I feed my cavies the following vegies: carrots, red bell pepper, romaine lettuce, kang kong, cucumber, cauliflower leaves and Baguio beans.

Occasionally, I also give them apples, pears and banana fruit.

Other food they can be fed with are in the links below:

Guinea Lynx
Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue
Jacks Guinea Piggies

To supplement grass and vegetables, we also give them pellets. If you don't mind the cost, you can buy pellets specially formulated for guinea pigs such as Hagen Cobayes (available at Bio Research), Cuni Gran and Furry and Friends, which may be available in some pet stores. Other pellets we give them are Purina Bio 300 or Integra 3000 and Calf Manna. All of which can be bought at Poultry stores. Please take note that proportions are 3:1. 1 part Calf Manna to 3 parts of either Bio 300 or Integra 3000.